In 2015, the Prime Minister of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam has issued Declaration No. 33/2015/QD-TTg to assist poor households to secure places to live. Along the lines of this policy and its implementation, these households are more able to pursue and develop their careers without fear and leave poverty contributing to a national goal of reducing poverty.

Under this policy, our foundation has responded to the calls for fund raising by Mr. Nguyen Viet Thanh, the former Lieutenant General of the Ministry of Public Security, and we hope that through our participation and contribution that more resources can be donated to support households in need in an effort to raise their standard of living.

Below is the standard operating procedure for supporting Gratitude House construction.

In February 2019, the People’s Committee at Thanh Binh Commune in Tien Giang Province and Mr. Nguyen Viet Than sought our support for Gratitude House construction for a number of households living below the poverty line. After conducting need assessment and field visits, with support from local authorities, our foundation agreed to support 12 households in the construction of their new houses. Each household was granted VND 50 million to cover the cost of construction. This donation not only responds to this national policy but fulfils our commitment to serving the vulnerable families in Vietnamese society.

After collaborative work between the local authorities and community and the LSTF, twelve Gratitude Houses have been completed on August 30, 2019. On the same day, the handover ceremony was held at the Cultural House of Thanh Binh Commune. The former Lieutenant General- Mr Nguyen Viet Thanh expressed:

“I was very happy and appreciative of the good will from the Lawrence S. Ting Foundation and Phu My Hung Development Corporation. In conjunction with the local government, they helped to build 12 houses for impoverished households, giving them a stable home to live in. Without the guidance of the LSTF, we couldn’t have had this been such a success and completed the construction on time.”